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Успешно закончилось обучение на курсе "Месмеризм, фасцинация, невербальный гипноз" Марко П

Доктор Марко Парет основатель и директор Международного института НЛП, гипноза, невербальной коммуникации, лидерства и коучинга.

Он является ведущим мировым специалистом в области месмеризма, фасцинации и невербального гипноза.


Dr Marco Paret is the founding Director of the ISI-CNV International Institute for Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnosis, Communication - Non Verbal (CNV), Leadership and Coaching.

Before Dr Marco Paret the mesmerism and fascination were lost. Initiated in an european tradition remounting To Mesmer, Count of Saint Germain, and others, with his institute he diffused them again in the world as powerful healing modalities based on non verbal effects. He is also world renowned hypnosis & NLP trainer and researcher. He has published over 20 books in 3 different languages. His work has been extensively featured across many media platforms on TV, radio & print in Italy & France, as well as internationally. Dr Marco has trained thousands students through his ISI-CNV learning academy, helping propel them into successful careers in a range of different healing modalities.

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Жалгасов Ерлан Нариманович

Гипноз в Казахстане

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